人文藝術學院 faculty of humanities and arts |
姓名:張志慶name: zhang zhiqing 職稱:教授title: professor 職務:院長position: dean 專業領域:跨文化傳播、媒介與文化、中西文化與藝術 areas of expertise: intercultural communication, media and culture, chinese and western culture and arts 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2989 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:尹鴻name: yin hong 職稱:教授title: professor 職務:電影學院院長position: director of academy of film 專業領域: 影視產業, 影視文化 areas of expertise: film and tv industry, film and tv culture 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2839 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:孟建民name: meng jian min 職稱:特聘教授(中國工程院院士) title: distinguished guest professor (academician of chinese academy of engineering) 專業領域:建築學 areas of expertise: architecture 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:劉濱誼name: liu binyi 職稱:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 專業領域:風景園林、建築學 areas of expertise: landscape, architecture 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:司若name: si ruo 職稱:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 專業領域:視聽傳播,影視產業 areas of expertise: audiovisual communication, film and television industry 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:王雪青name: wang xueqing 職稱:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 專業領域:視覺傳達設計 areas of expertise: visual communication design 受訪語言:普通話、法語 spoken language: mandarin, french 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:肖勇name: xiao yong 職稱:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 專業領域:設計學 areas of expertise: design 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:應放天name: ying fangtian 職稱:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 專業領域:設計學 areas of expertise: design 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:鄭巨欣name: zheng juxin 職稱:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 專業領域:文化遺產保護與研究, 傳統工藝與當代設計, 中日近代設計交流史 areas of expertise: cultural heritage protection and research, traditional crafts and contemporary design, the history of china and japan modern designs’ exchange 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:朱淳name: zhu chun 職稱:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 專業領域:環境設計與歷史研究, 手工藝與非物質文化遺產保護, 城市更新與可持續發展研究 areas of expertise: environmental art design and historical research, handicraft and intangible cultural heritage protection, urban renewal and sustainable development studies 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:孫瑱name: sun zhen 職稱:教授title: professor 職務:助理院長position: assistant dean 專業領域:日常生活中視覺資源的使用, 傳播研究方法 areas of expertise: the use of visual resources in everyday life, communication research methods 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2484 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:鄭中name: zheng zhong 職稱:教授title: professor 專業領域:音樂學 areas of expertise: musicology 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2854 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:顧躍name: gu yue 職稱:教授title: professor 專業領域:現當代藝術理論與創作實踐, 主題性美術創作研究, 美術史與展覽策劃研究 areas of expertise: contemporary art theory and practice, research on thematic art creation, research on art history and exhibition proposal 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2419 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:張林明name: zhang linming 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 職務:電影學院助理院長position: assistant director (academy of film) 專業領域:媒介傳播與影視文化 areas of expertise: media communication & film and tv culture 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2802 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:柳旭東name: liu xudong 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 職務:課程主任position: program director 專業領域:媒介心理, 公共輿論, 社交媒體 areas of expertise: media psychology, public opinion, social media 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2962 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:黃光輝name: huang guanghui 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 職務:課程主任position: program director 專業領域:視覺傳達設計, 澳門文創產品設計, 澳門城市視覺形象設計 areas of expertise: visual communication design, tourist souvenir design, macao urban visual image 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2767 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:鄭劍藝name: zheng jianyi 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 職務:課程主任position: program director 專業領域:城市形態, 地域建筑設計, 城市更新 areas of expertise: urban morphology, architectural design, urban regeneration 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3044 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:郭羽name: guo yu 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 專業領域: 環境傳播, 健康傳播, 性別研究, 風險傳播 areas of expertise: environmental communication, health communication, gender studies, risk communication 受訪語言:普通話、英語、日語 spoken language: mandarin, english, japanese 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 1927 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:劉鵬name: liu peng 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 專業領域:現/當代藝術, 視覺藝術, 文化研究, 時尚研究, 博物館研究, 人文建築 areas of expertise: modern/contemporary art, visual studies, culture studies, fashion research, museum research, humanistic architecture 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3356 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:孟曉清name: meng xiaoqing 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 專業領域:電影攝影、影視導演 areas of expertise: cinematography, film and television directing 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3055 電子郵件e-mail: xqmeng@must.edu.mo |
姓名:王迪name: wang di 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 專業領域:組織傳播, 消費者行為, 品牌研究, 新媒體傳播, 社交媒體的傳播心理, 新媒體的商業傳播, 健康傳播 areas of expertise: organizational communication, consumer behavior, brand management, new media communication, communication psychology of social media, business communication of new media, health communication 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 1965 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:汪藍name: wang lan 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 專業領域:美術史, 中外文化交流史, 藝術創作與理論 areas of expertise: art history, history of chinese and the world cultural exchange, art creation and theory 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、法語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, french 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2258 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:蔣瀟玲name: chiang siu ling samantha 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 職務:副院長 position: vice dean 專業領域:法律, 藝術, 音樂, 表演藝術, 電競管理 areas of expertise: law, arts, music, performing arts, esports management 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2840 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:崔超軼name: cui chaoyi 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:公共藝術,綠色基礎設施(景觀建築),場所營造,城市更新 areas of expertise: public art, green infrastructure (lan), place making, urban regeneration 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3052 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:胡斌name: hu bin 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:設計與傳播學, 用戶體驗設計與用戶同理心, 健康醫療與數字交互設計, 工業設計與現代視覺可視化, 中國傳統文化與符號學 areas of expertise: design & communication, user experience design, empathic building, healthcare & digital interaction design, industrial design & contemporary visualisation, chinese culture and semiotics 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3554 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:胡楊name: hu yang 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:媒介社會學,媒介使用與社會/政治生活,新聞研究 areas of expertise: media sociology, relationship between media use and social and political life, journalism 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2949 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:黃微子name: huang weizi 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:廣告, 視覺傳播, 文化研究, 受眾研究, 流行文化, 明星研究 areas of expertise: advertising, visual communication, cultural studies, audience studies, popular culture, celebrity studies 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2961 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:黃鶯name: huang ying 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:影視產業,影視藝術,新媒體 areas of expertise: film industry,film art,new media 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3069 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:葉健雄name: ip kin hong 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域: 文物保護與修復, 傳統建築材料的製造技術,材料分析及材料兼容性, 創新修復材料設計, 城市環境對建築文物的影響 areas of expertise: heritage conservation and restoration, traditional building materials and techniques, material characterization and compatibility, innovative restoration material design, urban environmental impacts on architectural heritage 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2205 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:孔令旗name: kong lingqi 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:平面設計實踐與理論, 視覺文化研究, 設計理論, 東亞與歐洲設計史 areas of expertise: the practice and theory of graphic design, visual culture studies, design theory, east asian and european design history 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3317 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:李周娟name: lee joo yeon 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:新聞學, 國際傳播, 政治傳播(尤其是競選, 營銷和廣告), 亞洲國家之間的比較研究, 社交媒體 areas of expertise: journalism, international communication, political communication (campaigning, marketing, and advertising), comparative studies between asian countries, social media 受訪語言:韓語、英語 spoken language: korean, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 1961 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:梁潔雯name: leong kit man 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:中國畫創作及美術學理論研究 areas of expertise: chinese painting and fine arts theory 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3620 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:李昊name: li hao 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:流行文化, 性別與媒體 areas of expertise: popular culture, media and gender 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3621 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:李佳琪name: li jiaqi 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:遊戲設計, 圖像處理, 電子藝術, acg文化領域的理論與技術科研 areas of expertise: game design, game studies, image processing, digital art 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3901 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:劉惠明name: liu huiming 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:公共空間設計 areas of expertise: public space design 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3049 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:劉驍name: liu xiao 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:建築與城市設計, 文化遺產保護、活化與利用, 傳統村落保護與鄉村振興 areas of expertise: architectural and urban design, conservation and rehabilitation of cultural heritage, traditional villages conservation and rural revitalization 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3904 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:羅樂name: luo le 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:中國電影, 視覺文化與新媒體 areas of expertise: chinese cinema, visual culture and new media 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3056 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:彭堃name: peng kun 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:新媒體, 人際傳播, 健康傳播 areas of expertise: computer-mediated communication, interpersonal communication, health communication 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 1926 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:全希希name: quan xixi 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:空間設計 areas of expertise: space design 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2897 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:鄧耀榮name: tang io weng 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:新聞學概論, 新聞採訪, 寫作, 深度訪談報道, 編輯與評論, 廣播電視新聞, 中國近代新聞史, 澳門新聞史, 澳門廣播史, 澳門口述歷史的研究 areas of expertise: introduction to journalism, reporting, news writing, investigative reportage, editing and critique, broadcasting news, contemporary history of chinese newspaper, macao journalism history, macao broadcasting history, oral history of macao 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語、葡萄牙語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english, portuguese 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 1918 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:焦建name: jiao jian 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:家庭傳播, 健康傳播, 親密關係, 心理健康, 社會影響 areas of expertise: interpersonal communication, family communication, health communication, close relationships, mental health, social influence 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3082 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:孟嶺超name: meng lingchao 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:療癒環境設計, 環境感知和行爲, 社區營造/社會設計, 建成環境對健康和疾病的影響機制 areas of expertise: healing environment design, environmental perception and behavior, community revitalization, social design, mechanisms of the built environment's impact on health and disease 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3123 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:毛乃政name: mao naizheng 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:當代藝術,多媒體藝術,視覺傳播 areas of expertise: contemporary art, multimedia art, visual communication 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3122 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:朱善修name: chu shan shiu 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域: ai繪圖, 遊戲引擎, 電影視覺, 互動科技, digital twins理論研究 areas of expertise: ai drawing, game engine, movie vision, interactive technology, digital twins theoretical 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:王冠強name: wang guanqiang 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:景觀建築, 文化遺產保護 areas of expertise: landscape architecture, cultural heritage conservation 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2010 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:王煒加name: wang weijia 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:城市公共空間與亞太地區高密度城市主義, 數碼化場所營造、智慧社區及城市, 設計及社會變遷 areas of expertise: urban public space and high-density urbanism in the asia-pacific region, digital place making, smart neighborhoods and cities, design and social change 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3905 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:王文霄name: wang wenxiao 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:計算機可視化, 人工智能,數字媒體 areas of expertise: computer visualization, artificial intelligence, digital media 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3048 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:王小楓name: wang xiaofeng 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:視覺傳達設計:字體設計 / 視覺傳達設計史 areas of expertise: graphic design, typography, graphic design history 受訪語言:普通話、英語、日語 spoken language: mandarin, english, japanese 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3903 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:閆少石name: yan shaoshi 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:藝術設計理論與實踐, 工業設計, 產品設計 areas of expertise: practice and theory of art design, industrial design, product design 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2835 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:楊宇菲name: yang yufei 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:紀錄片, 影視人類學, 感官人類學, 歷史人類學 areas of expertise: documentary, visual anthropology, historical anthropology, sensory anthropology 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3065 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:葉茜name: ye xi 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:建築理論與批判, 建築美學, 建築文化, 建築與城市社會學 areas of expertise: architectural theories and criticisms, aesthetics and architecture, architectural culture, architecture and urban sociology 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3543 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:章戈浩name: zhang gehao 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:傳播政治經濟學, 批判視覺研究, 質化研究方法 areas of expertise: critical political economy of media, digital anthropology, computer-assisted qualitative research method 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2960 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:張夢婷name: zhang mengting 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:設計與創新管理, 設計創業, 設計與交互、聯結、智能 areas of expertise: design and innovation management, design entrepreneurship, design for interactivity, connectivity and intelligence 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3303 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:張曦之name: zhang xizhi 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:視覺傳達設計, 廣告平面設計, 陶瓷造型藝術設計, 現代陶瓷藝術, 環境陶瓷藝術, 文化產品設計的研發 areas of expertise: visual communication design, advertisement graphic design, contemporary ceramic design, environmental ceramic design, cultural and stylish design and craft 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語、韓語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english, korean 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2855 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:鐘歷name: zhong li 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:傳播心理學,新媒介技術與健康,社會邊緣群體 areas of expertise: communication psychology, communication technology and psychological well-being, social marginalized groups 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3050 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:朱柏葳name: zhu bowei 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:城市建成環境使用後評估, 多属性决策, 高齡友善住宅評估 areas of expertise: management of built environment, multiple attribute decision making, housing assessment for healthy aging 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2208 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:朱漢龍name: zhu hanlong 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:義大利當代設計思潮研究, 文藝復興後期矯飾主義繪畫, 象徵主義藝術研究 areas of expertise: contemporary mentality of design in italy, high-level practice of design and art, mannerism painting during the late renascence period, symbolism art 受訪語言:普通話、意大利語 spoken language: mandarin, italian 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3901 電子郵件e-mail: |
電影學院 academy of film |
姓名:尹鴻name: yin hong 職稱:教授title: professor 職務:電影學院院長position: director of academy of film 專業領域: 影視產業, 影視文化 areas of expertise: film and tv industry, film and tv culture 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2839 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:司若name: si ruo 職稱:特聘教授title: distinguished guest professor 專業領域:視聽傳播,影視產業 areas of expertise: audiovisual communication, film and television industry 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:張林明name: zhang linming 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 職務:電影學院助理院長position: assistant director (academy of film) 專業領域:媒介傳播與影視文化 areas of expertise: media communication & film and tv culture 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2802 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:孟曉清name: meng xiaoqing 職稱:副教授title: associate professor 專業領域:電影攝影、影視導演 areas of expertise: cinematography, film and television directing 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3055 電子郵件e-mail: xqmeng@must.edu.mo |
姓名:蔣瀟玲name: chiang siu ling samantha 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 職務:副院長 position: vice dean 專業領域:法律, 藝術, 音樂, 表演藝術, 電競管理 areas of expertise: law, arts, music, performing arts, esports management 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 2840 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:胡斌name: hu bin 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:設計與傳播學, 用戶體驗設計與用戶同理心, 健康醫療與數字交互設計, 工業設計與現代視覺可視化, 中國傳統文化與符號學 areas of expertise: design & communication, user experience design, empathic building, healthcare & digital interaction design, industrial design & contemporary visualisation, chinese culture and semiotics 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3554 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:黃鶯name: huang ying 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:影視產業,影視藝術,新媒體 areas of expertise: film industry,film art,new media 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3069 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:李昊name: li hao 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:流行文化, 性別與媒體 areas of expertise: popular culture, media and gender 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3621 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:李佳琪name: li jiaqi 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:遊戲設計, 圖像處理, 電子藝術, acg文化領域的理論與技術科研 areas of expertise: game design, game studies, image processing, digital art 受訪語言:普通話 spoken language: mandarin 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3901 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:羅樂name: luo le 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:中國電影, 視覺文化與新媒體 areas of expertise: chinese cinema, visual culture and new media 受訪語言:普通話、廣東話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, cantonese, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3056 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:朱善修name: chu shan shiu 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域: ai繪圖, 遊戲引擎, 電影視覺, 互動科技, digital twins理論研究 areas of expertise: ai drawing, game engine, movie vision, interactive technology, digital twins theoretical 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:王文霄name: wang wenxiao 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:計算機可視化, 人工智能,數字媒體 areas of expertise: computer visualization, artificial intelligence, digital media 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3048 電子郵件e-mail: |
姓名:楊宇菲name: yang yufei 職稱:助理教授title: assistant professor 專業領域:紀錄片, 影視人類學, 感官人類學, 歷史人類學 areas of expertise: documentary, visual anthropology, historical anthropology, sensory anthropology 受訪語言:普通話、英語 spoken language: mandarin, english 聯絡電話contact no.: 853 8897 3065 電子郵件e-mail: |